This briefing summarizes key findings from State of the Apes: Killing, Capture, Trade and Conservation and presents policy recommendations to achieve a balance between socio-economic development, ape conservation and sustaining the livelihoods of communities local to ape habitats. Stakeholders are called upon to undertake interventions at every point along the trade chain.
Recommendations include developing effective domestic legal frameworks, imposing sanctions that deter criminal activity, supporting international policy frameworks and ensuring that regulations safeguard captive ape welfare. Targeted law enforcement needs to be strengthened at every step in the trade chain, particularly in transport and consumer markets. It is also essential to regulate private-sector actors, like industrial developers, and to close online markets facilitating wildlife trafficking.
Engaging communities and ensuring that they benefit from ape conservation is imperative. This engagement requires both an understanding of cultural contexts and the provision of economic incentives to safeguard animal welfare. Policymakers also need to focus on reducing demand for illegal products in domestic and international markets through awareness-raising, education and behavior change strategies.